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 professionalism from 1989

We are a prestigious economic club. We work with dozens of economic clubs around the world and intend to inform our members.

A private Club Venture Capital

Our Vision

We aim to bridge economic theory and practice for business people, using sound empirical methods and adopting an interdisciplinary view of reality. We serve the broader community by influencing economic policymaking and debate on many issues concerning economic, political, and social thinking.

To provide a platform that enables the conceptualisation of practical solutions to more significant issues and problems relating to the economy and economic problems of the community through a process of free and imaginative thinking, discussion and debate amongst individuals, associations, institutions and bodies that are concerned about such problems and issues faced by the group and are willing to participate in the efforts to find solutions to such problems through exchange of views, expressions, opinions that are in the public or research domain.

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Royal Houses Councilor

the unique institution in the world

is the only institution in the world to can offer professional and specialised services to Imperial Royal  Houses, nobles, aristocrats or knights.


They chose us as an international club to organise meetings dedicated to their world, geopolitics, business, maintenance of manors and castles, art, etc.


We are very proud to be the Economic Club chosen by this important institution.

Our Unique Member

The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics. Religion and art spring from the same root and are close kin. Economics and art are strangers.

(Thomas Sowell)

Value 01.


We pay close attention to everything we do and offer. We pay attention to the wishes of our members because, for us, it is fundamental to provide a real, concrete, useful, and prestigious service.


Attention and dedication in everything we do are the principles that inspire us in our activity.

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